Nathan Lyons-Smith, Executive Producer

Nathan Lyons-Smith, Executive Producer

04 Sep

Greetings, everyone.

Last month, I committed to being more transparent with you and to proactively share changes we are making with our community, along with context for why we’re making those changes. With that in mind, I’m here to share some details about what we’re working on, starting with something coming right around the corner.

Allow me to introduce the coolest (hottest?) hero skin we’ve ever made: Ragnaros, the Firelord! Ragnaros is our first-ever Mythic skin, pushing the boundaries even further than our Legendary skins. The team went all-out with Ragnaros: his emotive 3D portrait oozes Hearthstone charm; he pops out of the frame and SMASHES your opponents with Sulfuras for his attack animation; he sprawls over your side of the board; he has explosive victory and death screens; and he’s our first-ever dual class Hero Skin, usable in both Shaman and Warrior!

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26 Jul

Well met, Hearthstone community.

Nathan Lyons-Smith here, following up on last week’s promise to give you more visibility on our strategy for Hearthstone.

As someone who’s been playing Hearthstone since the Beta days, I’m passionate about making sure this game we all love keeps thriving. As the Executive Producer, it’s also my job to look after the game’s health, our incredible team, and our equally incredible community.

We are doing meaningful research and development for the future of Hearthstone to ensure that the Tavern will be a home for you for another decade and beyond. While we are not ready to share any information about this work yet—and will not be for a while—I want you to know that we are committed to Hearthstone as we know it today, and ...

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